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Coinlist Borsası: Coin Listesi, Güvenilir mi, Yorumlar Neler?

Coin listesi, güvenilir mi, yorumlar neler?
Borsaya Git
131.221 $
24s Ticaret Hacmi
Ƀ 2
24s Ticaret Hacmi (BTC)
Kripto Para
İşlem Çifti
CoinList is where early adopters invest and trade in high quality crypto assets before they land on other exchanges, including Filecoin, Celo, Solana, Nervos, Dfinity, Algorand, and many more.

CoinList Trade is a fully-featured crypto spot exchange, built on battle-tested infrastructure and backed by some of the biggest names in the space. It will support the best new cryptoassets early in their lifecycles, as well as, most large cap established crypto.
Kuruluş Yılı2020
Borsa Bağlantısı
Hacim Bakımından Dünya Sırası153
MerkezUnited States
Ticaret TeşvikHayır
Coinlist Kripto Para
Kripto Paraİşlem ÇiftiHacimHacim (BTC)Hacim (USD)Hacim (%)
BitcoinBTC/USDT1Ƀ 171.428 $54,43%
TetherUSDT/USD28.931Ƀ 028.921 $22,04%
BraintrustBTRST/USDT56.917Ƀ 021.401 $16,31%
Masa FinanceMASA/USDT193.492Ƀ 016.818 $12,82%
BitcoinBTC/USD0Ƀ 013.196 $10,06%
EthereumETH/USDT3Ƀ 08.011 $6,10%
SolanaSOL/USDT42Ƀ 06.579 $5,01%
XzkXZK/USDT154.613Ƀ 05.856 $4,46%
Casper NetworkCSPR/USD351.526Ƀ 04.675 $3,56%
Wrapped BitcoinWBTC/BTC0Ƀ 04.356 $3,32%