Bitcointry Borsası: Coin Listesi, Güvenilir mi, Yorumlar Neler?

Coin listesi, güvenilir mi, yorumlar neler?
Borsaya Git
9.857.262 $
24s Ticaret Hacmi
Ƀ 170
24s Ticaret Hacmi (BTC)
Kripto Para
İşlem Çifti
Bitcointry Exchange is a semi-DEX hybrid exchange with web3 infrastructure. As with DEX exchanges, users can connect to the application with web3 wallets and make deposits. And as in CEX exchanges, they can create limit, market and stop limit orders. They can transfer between chains with the bridge application. It can also earn rewards by staking. Bitcointry exchange is an official company in Turkey. Users in Turkey can transfer Turkish lira to the application via bank transfer. And can buy crypto money with Turkish lira. Bitcointry exchange has taken the best features of CEX and DEX exchanges. It has been developed to provide users with a unique experience.
Kuruluş Yılı2023
Borsa Bağlantısı
Hacim Bakımından Dünya Sırası36
Ticaret TeşvikHayır
Bitcointry Kripto Para
Kripto Paraİşlem ÇiftiHacimHacim (BTC)Hacim (USD)Hacim (%)
BitcoinBTC/USDT65Ƀ 633.705.017 $37,59%
EthereumETH/USDT566Ƀ 221.320.140 $13,39%
Usd CoinUSDC/USDT1.061.872Ƀ 181.061.958 $10,77%
Fetch AiFET/USDT356.578Ƀ 8482.166 $4,89%
CoredaoorgCORE/USDT308.687Ƀ 4284.052 $2,88%
NearNEAR/USDT41.127Ƀ 2165.250 $1,68%
Origin ProtocolOGN/USDT1.871.233Ƀ 2152.454 $1,55%
MoonbeamGLMR/USDT886.588Ƀ 2142.545 $1,45%
DigibyteDGB/USDT21.309.983Ƀ 2136.464 $1,38%
FantomFTM/USDT279.500Ƀ 2135.620 $1,38%