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bitcastle Borsası: Coin Listesi, Güvenilir mi, Yorumlar Neler?

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Coin listesi, güvenilir mi, yorumlar neler?
Borsaya Git
67.299.111 $
24s Ticaret Hacmi
Ƀ 1.147
24s Ticaret Hacmi (BTC)
Kripto Para
İşlem Çifti
bitcastle is all in one global platform including crypto trading, FX trading and binary option trading first launched in July 2019. In May 2022, bitcastle renewed it's platform with a brand new user interface, new features and token listings. With offices in Singapore, Vietnam and Japan, bitcastle maximizes the strengths of the diverse team with various experiences to deliver the best financial services for its users. Notable features of the platform include 0% trading fee for major currency pairs and High & Low binary trading option. bitcastle High & Low option allows users to see return on their investment in as little as 5 seconds, which is the fastest period in the world. bitcastle aims to be a platform that can be enjoyed by both seasoned traders as well as beginners. CASTLE is bitcastle's native token. CASTLE can be used to reduce transaction fees on the platform by up to 60%. At selected intervals, 20% of bitcastle's profits will be used to buy back CASTLE tokens, and burn them. The bitcastle apps is now available for both android and IOS, enabling users to access it's platform.
Kuruluş Yılı2019
Borsa Bağlantısı
Hacim Bakımından Dünya Sırası44
Ticaret TeşvikHayır
bitcastle Kripto Para
Kripto Paraİşlem ÇiftiHacimHacim (BTC)Hacim (USD)Hacim (%)
BitcoinBTC/USDC147Ƀ 1448.390.967 $12,47%
PepePEPE/USDT1.057.457.000.738Ƀ 1317.645.459 $11,36%
SuiSUI/USDT7.141.214Ƀ 1186.871.291 $10,21%
BinancecoinBNB/USDT11.470Ƀ 1046.083.308 $9,04%
Usd CoinUSDC/USDT4.105.355Ƀ 704.105.281 $6,10%
Fetch AiFET/USDT2.987.242Ƀ 694.040.305 $6,00%
EthereumETH/USDC1.001Ƀ 402.336.546 $3,47%
AaveAAVE/USDT15.604Ƀ 392.322.623 $3,45%
BitcoinBTC/USDT40Ƀ 382.263.757 $3,36%
DogecoinDOGE/USDT21.714.141Ƀ 372.196.205 $3,26%